lee and i just back back from an excellent vacation in chicago, and we're back in the airport getting ready to get on a flight to hawaii. sucks to be us, but somehow we will find a way to struggle through. as soon as everything settles down i will put up some photo albums of both trips. here are a few things you should know about chicago:
chicago is an excellent city. the city is filled to the brim with interesting architecture, great food, friendly people, and stiff drinks. go forth and enjoy!
hawaii: the real truth
don't be fooled by all the tropical paradise jingoistic verbiage that people and advertising will try to use to trick you into going to hawaii. here are the hard truths about hawaii:
the truth is hawaii is fantastic. whether eating great food, walking along the amazing beaches (go to the north shore), or just hanging out listening to local music, you will have an amazing time. that being said you will also eventually have to go home.
galleries are on their way shortly
Posted at 08:09 AM in travel | Permalink | Comments (0)
been a while since i posted, but i'm stuck in indy with a cold, so i thought i'd write down some notes:
anyway, i'll leave it at that for now. just wanted to get back in the habit. hope everyone has a great easter.
Posted at 06:56 AM in travel | Permalink | Comments (1)
items you will need:
i am a firm believer that everything has it's moment. for instance, i'm not a big fan of milk, but i can drink a gallon of it when presented with a bowl of chili or a pb&j sandwich. i am a big fan of the decemberists and i fly a lot, but it was merely coincidence that i stumbled upon the perfect way to listen to the crane wife #3 from the album of the same name (sans the #3 of course). this will take a bit of timing and you'll need to be comfortable with breaking the whole *approved electronics need to be set off* rule. fascists!!!
anyway, the trick is to cue up the song so as the wheels leave the ground you are hearing the chorus.
and i will hang my head
hang my head low
and i will hang my head
hang my head low
this may seem entirely to silly to do, but here is the point. the reverence of the chorus, the power of leaving earth, and the promise or possibility of where you are going combine to make a truly magical moment. or; i'm a crazy person and completely disregard all of this nonsense.
p.s. i'm not crazy, at least not dangerously so, and you really should try this.
Posted at 07:33 AM in travel | Permalink | Comments (1)
i've been debating whether or not to do a new posting for the last few day, and every time i start a new post i look back at the madrid post and decide i'm not ready to move on. well today is the day, and i have to admit, it will make me a little sad to see the madrid list slip down the page until it becomes all but forgotten in the archives. for two weeks now i feel as if i've been suffering from travel hangover. that, and a stubborn little cold lee and i picked up on the plane ride home. anyway, like i said before, today i move on. in the coming days until new years, i am going to be doing my yearly favorites list. i'm not sure what kind of shape that will take, so pleased stay tuned to find out. hope you have a great holiday season, and please feel free to comment on the bippy using the little comment section at the bottom of every posting.
Posted at 06:58 AM in travel | Permalink | Comments (0)
hola; lee and i just got back from madrid, and wow!!! to be be honest i was blown away, not only by the beauty of the city, but how vastly different the culture there is from my everyday life. what follows here is a list of likes, dislikes, tips, and must dos(not in any particular order, except for #1):
there will be more of this list to come, but for now i am tired so i am going to stop. please follow the links and consider taking a trip to madrid. you won't be disappointed.
Posted at 07:28 AM in travel | Permalink | Comments (0)
chattanooga, tennessee(nov 14-16): work related. had a great time with the folks out in tennessee. the river walk in chattanooga is especially nice. ate at two excellent restaurants: blue plate and hennen's. both are worth checking out if you make it to chattanooga.
palm springs, california(nov 21-25): debauchery related. palm springs was a turbulent experience this year. for the most part we had a great time, but were extremely glad to get home. our friends randy and dick, who live there, put on an incredible feast for us on thanksgiving. thanks guys, thanksgiving was fantastic, and by far the highlight of our trip, if not the savior.
madrid, spain(dec 3-11): getting the hell out of the states related/tapas related too. such an amazing trip that i am compliling a list of all the things i love most.
many other trips coming but this is the most current list.
Posted at 09:28 AM in travel | Permalink | Comments (0)
i know it's been awhile, and i apologize to all two of you who check this blog regularly. forgive me, i've been very busy(lazy). anyway, lee and i recently spent a weekend at the utterly amazing willows lodge in woodinville, wa. it was horrible. while there, i was forced to; snuggle in bed with my husband and watch movies by firelight, relax in a luxurious hot tub surrounded by a beautiful garden, eat at the most excellent and continuously surprising restaurant; the herb farm, and somehow trudge through a weekend completely devoid of work, phone calls, and email. somehow, despite all this i found a way to persevere. speaking of the herb farm: wow! what else can you say about a nine course five hour meal. the restaurant works in themes, and our theme for the night was; a mycologists dream. in simpler terms, mushrooms, and lots of them. i could use every superlative in the book and it would not truly describe how inventive and unique the herb farm is. if you have the patience, i can give it no higher recommendation, than to say, it is the pinnacle of dining experiences. thats all for now, but i'll have a travel update soon.
Posted at 10:50 AM in travel | Permalink | Comments (0)
baggage handlers are thieves. sweeping generalizations aside, because i know they're not all thieves, some of them are, as evidenced by the lack of any computer equipment in my bag when it arrived on the carousel at portland international. shock doesn't even cover it. try anger, confusion, sadness, more anger. pretty much anger, and a lot of it. i felt like it was spilling out of me in a vitriolic examination of continental airlines and there baggage policy, regurgitated to the ogre passing as a woman at the baggage counter. apparently they do not cover electronics, which to me, means they encourage there employees to steal said electronics. she didn't see it that way. ah; semantics.
Posted at 03:52 PM in travel | Permalink | Comments (0)
the king is dead
the decemberists: the king is dead
bar none, one the best albums i have ever heard.
vampire weekend: contra
so so good. 'i think ur a contra' is so sweet and remorseful. as much fun as the first record, but done with newly found elegance.
chris adrian: the children's hospital
apocalypse angels, sick kids, neurotic women. grey's anatomy at the end of the world.
nick sagan: idlewild
my favorite literary haunt of the last decade