i am sentimental on my own terms...i don't keep birthday cards, i rarely peruse through old photo books (windows folders), and i tend to go through everything i own on yearly basis and throw away the things that i haven't looked at in a year. i would venture a guess this is why my mother has kept my baby book at their house, instead of giving it to me.
but, and this is a tremendously large but, i am very sentimental when it comes to certain things. here is a list of things that get me all misty.
- sports movies (the scene in the sandlot when the boys are disappearing as they move away, always makes cry...can't help it. so many happy memories of sun-baked afternoons spent with my brother and friends doing something as simple as playing catch. the joy of life distilled.)
- my husband and partner (the fact that he has been willing to give me the last 13 years of his life always makes me smile with wonder...the love, devotion, and effort that it takes to sustain 13 years is more than worthy of sentimental feelings...the next 13 will be even better)
- this song has been choking me up for over 20 years now (the video is intensely cheesy, but still gets to me. being brothers is sometimes difficult, sometimes dangerous, but always amazing. to be fair though, i am much better with a mitt than my brother)
- bravery and loyalty (i have been unlucky enough to watch people i love struggle with great adversity...i have been lucky enough to watch those same people fight against great odds with great cost and find away to not only stay positive, but also come out victorious. you are all an incredible inspiration)