here's a little story for you...
more than a few years ago, lee and i were allowed to get married in multnomah county. it was a dream come true, and apparently it actually was dream, because a few months later i received my check back in the mail with a letter saying that my marriage wasn't valid.
while filling out the paperwork and waiting for lee to arrive from work, i had the pleasure of meeting some of the other couples that were there to take advantage of this short-lived equality. i talked to 6 or 7 different couples and it became apparent very quickly that lee and i were by far the youngest couple in terms of years together. 3 of the couples were 20 plus years and 1 couple had just celebrated their 50th anniversary.
i was so inspired by their love an commitment to each other, and their extreme patience, with the enormous ignorance and hate directed toward it. i was honored to sit amongst them, and count myself lucky to be in a loving committed relationship.
then a thought occurred to me, it was only partly luck (i'd say about 25%), the rest of it is effort, diligence, and care. it is because of this that i am mystified by the whimsical disregard that heterosexuals appear to have for the institution of marriage. i take that back, not mystified, pissed off!
i'm generalizing and trust me i know how dangerous that is, but i find that i don't really care. a 50% divorce rate, does that seem even remotely reasonable. encase you're not sure what the answer to that question is...its NO!
newt g wants to tell the world about the sanctity of marriage, and yet he is on his 3rd marriage, and has cheated on his first two wives and i'm assuming is cheating on his current wife as well. i find it amazing that he can he allow the words to flow out of his mouth without breaking down and laughing. well ef him and ef the christian right and all of their sanctimonious bullshit.
i've heard alot about the sanctity of marriage, and how allowing homosexuals to marry would destroy or degrade said institution. c'mon people use your effing noggins, allowing gay people to marry would mean one thing and one thing only: it would mean that there are married folk who are gay. let's be honest, i doubt the gays could do any more damage to the institution than straight people have.