last night while driving home from seattle i was listening to 1080 the fan and had the great displeasure of hearing one of the hosts talk about his fears that his son would like justin bieber (and not because he's a talentless bore), which then led to his fear that his son would want to be a cheerleader or play with dolls. he didn't say what his ultimate fear was, but the insinuation was pretty clear.
here's a little rant for big suck!:
while you may have many fears, about what your son may be or may not be, the fact of the matter is that you should be proud of who your son is. your son however is more likely to have just one fear in regards to you. the fear that his father will continue to love and be proud of him no matter what he becomes, no matter what he chooses and who he chooses to be.
being a father is a gift, one of the greatest gifts you will ever be given. don't waste it trying to fit your child into the pigeon hole that fits your narrow uninformed view of the world. instead try enjoying who your child is...who knows you might actually have some personal growth as a result.